About mairisch Verlag

mairisch Verlag is an independent publishing house founded in 1999 and located in Hamburg. Whether fiction, non-fiction, illustrated children's books, audio books, graphic novels or music, mairisch Velag exclusively publishes books, CDs and LPs we really care about.


We publish mostly young writers, pay a lot of attention to proper editorial work, quality design and long term perspectives. To support our authors, we care a lot about press reviews, public readings and literary awards.

Writers like Finn-Ole Heinrich, Sasa Stanisic, Benjamin Maack, Michael Weins, Dorian Steinhoff, Stevan Paul, Donata Rigg or Lisa Kreissler as long with our non-fiction and children's catalogue have received widespread attention by press, bookstores and readers.


Our team:

Peter Reichenbach

Daniel Beskos

Nefeli Kavouras

Nele Deutschmann

Rhoda Nickelsen


2022: Deutscher Verlagspreis (German Publishing Award)


2021: Deutscher Verlagspreis (German Publishing Award)


2021: "Schönste Deutsche Bücher 2021" (Most beautiful german books) by Stiftung Buchkunst, category "children's books" for "Schlafen wie die Rüben" by Finn-Ole Heinrich, Tine Schulz and Dita Zipfel.


2020: Special publisher's award (first category) by the City of Hamburg


2019: Deutscher Verlagspreis (German Publishing Award)


2019: "Schönste Deutsche Bücher 2019" (Most beautiful german books) by Stiftung Buchkunst, category "children's books" for "Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt des Waldes" by Finn-Ole Heinrich and Ran Flygenring.


2018: "Schönste Deutsche Bücher 2018" (Most beautiful german books) by Stiftung Buchkunst, category "children's books" for "Trecker kommt mit" by Finn-Ole Heinrich, Halina Kirschner and Dita Zipfel.


2016: Young Excellence Award from German Bookseller Asscociation

2015: Zillmer-Publisher-Award

2014: Advancement award from Kurt-Wolff-Foundation

2014: Buchmarkt-Award for best “event” for Indie Book Day


2014: Sales Award, category “innovation” for Indie Book Day


2006: Publisher of the year, City of Hamburg


Press commentairies:

"The story behind mairisch is just wunderful, it’s a story about pure passion and organic growth. This story now reaches a new height with the Zillmer-Award…"

Thomas André, Hamburger Abendblatt


"This publishing house grows organically like a circle of friends. It’s books speak of this fortunate origin with every page."

Marie Schmidt, DIE ZEIT


"mairisch is a visible champion of independent presses."

Publishing Perspectives,


"mairisch is one of the most successful indie publishers in Germany."



“An independent publishing house that chases down brillant texts."

Alessa Pieroth, Szene Hamburg


Foreign Rights

Please find detailed information on our titles in English on our Foreign Rights website. Or contact Daniel Beskos directly:


mairisch Verlag

Daniel Beskos


Please don't hesitate to contact us:


mairisch Verlag
Schwenckestr. 68
20255 Hamburg

Tel: 0049 (0)40-6889 6755

Indie Book Day

In 2013, we invented Indie Book Day (or Indiebookday, as we spell it here).

There are a lot of wonderful independent publishers out there, creating great books and putting a lot of passion into it. But many of them are very little known. The Indiebookday can help to create some attention and show the beauty of independent publishing. Here is how it works:


On Indiebookday, visit a local book store and buy a book. Any book you would like to have. All that matters is that it's been published by an independent publisher.
Then post a picture of the book, the cover or yourself with the book (or whatever you like) on a social network (like Facebook, Twitter, Google+) or on your blog, using the Hashtag "#indiebookday". If you like this event, invite others to join in.
The first Indiebookday in 2013 has received widespread attention throughout the german speaking countries. In 2014 and 2015 readers, publishers and bookstores in UK, the Netherlands, Italy and Portugal joined in. And the event is still growing bigger!


The Bookseller on Indie Book Day:



English Website on Indie Book Day:


mairisch Verlag

Schwenckestr. 68

D-20255 Hamburg

Tel: +49 (0)40-6889 6755






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About mairisch